Classic Trilogy
Han Solo | Luke Skywalker | Princess Leia | Chewbacca | Darth Vader | Emperor Palpatine | Boba Fett | Yoda | Obi Wan Kanobi | Ewoks | R2-D2 | C3-P0 | Ackbar | Other | Effects | Midis
July 15th, 1999.
New prequel sounds, including Darth Maul, Sidious, and others.
Darth Maul
"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Jedi..." (Real Audio, 23kb)
"Fear is my ally..." (30 seconds, Real Audio, 61kb)
Jar Jar: "Yousa people gonna die?" (wav, 40kb)
Anakin: "Will I ever see you again" (wav, 64kb)
Sidious: "Wipe them out... all of them" (wav, 47kb)
This banner was supplied
by SAFE Audit
Classic Trilogy
Han Solo :
-- blind.wav (90kb) - Han : "Chewy, give me the gun"; Lando: "No wait!....I thought you were blind."
-- filth.wav (76kb) - "You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth that he'll get no such pleasure from us....right?"
-- fuzzball.wav (64kb) - "Laugh it up, Fuzzball"
-- hokey.wav (83kb) - "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side kid."
--afraid.wav (118kb) - "I'm not afraid." Yoda "You willl will be."
--converts.wav (30kb) - "But I was going to Toushe station to get some Power Converters."
--badfeel1.wav (180kb) - "I have a bad feeling about this."
--whatjunk.wav (32kb ) - "What a piece of Junk!"
This banner was supplied by SAFE Audit
-- help.wav (44kb) - "Help me, Obi Wan Kanobi; you're my only hope."
-- kisswkie (15kb) - "I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie."
-- whyyou.wav (53kb) - "Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf-herder!"
--chewy1.wav (8kb) - Chewie sound
--wookie.wav (30kb) - Another Chewie sound
--chewyR2D2.wav (50kb) - This is Chewbacca crying when he Luke is missing in the beginning of Episode v.
--chewycry.wav (32kb) - This is him crying.
--thybidding.wav (53kb) - "What is thy bidding, my master."
--All2easy.wav (10kb) - "All too easy."
--father.wav (31kb) - "I am your father."
--whatif.wav (57kb) - "What if he doesn't survive. He's worth a lot to me." "The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in."
--welcome.wav (214kb) - "Welcome, young Skywalker. I hve been expecting you."
--forseen.wav (84kb) - "Everuthing is going as I hav forseen."
--cargo.wav (23kb) - "Put captain Solo in the Cargo hold."
--whatif.wav (57kb) - "What if he doesn't survive. He's worth a lot to me." "The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in."
--asyuwish.wav(12kb) - "As you wish!"
--900years.wav(44kb) - "When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not...hmm?"
--afraid.wav(118kb) - Luke :"I'm not afraid!" "You will will be."
--noharm.wav(51kb) - "Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm."
--cannotbe.wav(31kb) - "Always with you what cannot be done."
--getsobig.wav(32kb) - "How you get so big, eating food of this kind."
--helpnot.wav(23kb) - "Mine or I will help you not."
--mudhole.wav(174kb) - "Mudhole, slimy...My home this is!Mmmmm Mmmmm....mine..mine" "R2, let him have it."
--seekyoda.wav(65kb) - "Aaaah! Yoda! You seek Yoda!"
--trynot.wav(63kb) - "Try not, DO...or do not. There is no try."
--Yoda3.wav(12kb) - A cool Yoda laugh!
--nomoon.wav(77kb) - "That's no moon..."
--forsbwu.wav(39kb) - "May the force be with you....always!"
--ewok.wav (57kb) - "Oonga chingo pango chindo wah!!"
--ewok1.wav (46kb) - "Loollum lollum loolla....." A friendly Ewok singing!
--R2D2a.wav (26kb) - An R2D2 sound
--R2D2.wav (91kb) - An R2D2 sound extravaganza!!!
C3P0 :
--detonatr.wav(25kb) - "Because he's holding a Thermal Detonator!"
--Iamc3p0.wav(36kb) - "Hello, Sir. I am C3P0, human cyborg relations."
--deity.wav (49kb)- "It is against my programming to impersonate a deity."
--chances.wav (92kb) - "R2 says the chances of survival are 725 to 1."
--shutdown.wav(232kb) - "Sir, if you'll not be needing me I'll close down for a while."
--echuta.wav(24kb) - "Echuta" ; "How Rude!"
--technical.wav(100kb) - "Don't get technical with me!"
Ackbar :
--Ackforce.wav (16kb) - Ackbar "May the force be with us."
--ackbar.wav (27kb) - Ackbar "The shield is down. Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor"
--fleet.wav (25kb) - Ackbar "Move the fleet away from the Death Star."
--greedo.wav (23kb) - Greedo "Ooka Chootha Solo?"
--lock_s.wav (83kb) - "Red Leader standing by." " Grey Leader standing by." "Green Leader standing by." " Lock S-Foils in attack position."
--jabbalaf.wav (34kb) - Jabba laughing
--SurrImm.wav (11kb) - "Surrender Immediately!"
--imhit.wav(49kb) - BOOM "I'm hit..."
--jawa1.wav(20kb) - A Jawa scream
--looksir.wav(66kb) - "Look sir, droids"
--SaberUp.wav (55kb) - Light Saber Up
--SaberDown.wav (55kb) - Light Saber Down
--lazer.wav (27kb) - Blaster!
--specFX.wav(49kb) - A starfighter passing by.....COOL!!
Is there a sound you want but can't find here (or anywhere). Chances are I have it or can get it for you. Need any Star Wars MP3s; I have quite a few. Please contact me at