Contact Us

Become an affiliate to The Galaxy Far, Far Away. All you have to do is make a submission to the Encyclopedia (or as many as you like!). Write in for more details.

To send in suggestions or comments; things which don't need a reply, please leave a message on my Answering Machine.

For any questions about the site, questions about Star Wars or just any comments in general where you would like a reply, please write in at

Do you think the Encyclopedia is incomplete? (of course it is!) Well then please contribute with submissions of text, pictures, sounds or any information that can help expand the SW Encyclopedia here at The Galaxy Far, Far Away. For submissions to the encyclopedia, write in to

I try my best to keep updating the Encyclopedia, but it just isn't possible alone. Do you think you could help? If you are interested in joining my staff, please feel free to write in at


Leave a message on the Answering Machine

Write in with any submissions for the encyclopedia, suggestions, requests, questions or just nothing! But do write!